Twinkle Star has the pleasure of inviting you to join the second edition of SHINE - English Teaching Annual Conference (S- speeches, H- hands on learning, I - interaction, N- networking, E - engagement) which will take place in the online environment, on Zoom platform.
📌The main topic this edition will cover is „Innovations: Hacks for Teaching Digital Natives”.
Why join?
📝 There will be top international and national speakers;
📝 We will be tackling topics of great interest for ESL teachers such as;
innovative and original teaching techniques;
mindfulness and social emotional teaching;
flipped learning;
creating and sharing social media content as a form of learning;
📝 You will have the opportunity to join a community of ELT professionals;
📝 There will be prizes and special deals;
Should you wish to join the other participants at the conference in order to learn together new ways to improve your teaching, you have the full timetable below.