SHINE English Teaching Annual Conference


7th of January 2022

Twinkle Star has the pleasure of inviting you to join the second edition of SHINE - English Teaching Annual Conference
(S- speeches, H- hands on learning, I - interaction, N- networking, E - engagement) which will take place in the online environment, on Zoom platform.

📌The main topic this edition will cover is „Innovations: Hacks for Teaching Digital Natives”.

Why join?

📝 There will be top international and national speakers

📝 We will be tackling topics of great interest for ESL teachers such as;

  • innovative and original teaching techniques; 
  • mindfulness and social emotional teaching; 
  • flipped learning; 
  • gamification; 
  • CLIL; 
  • creating and sharing social media content as a form of learning;

📝 You will have the opportunity to join a community of ELT professionals;

📝 There will be prizes and special deals;

Should you wish to join the other participants at the conference in order to learn together new ways to improve your teaching, you have the full timetable below.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of SHINE - English Teaching Conference 2022 edition!

⭐It’s your time to SHINE!⭐

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